Automatic WakeOnLan upon accessing MySql or FileShares
With these settings XBMC booted in less than 140 seconds and my NAS wasn't fully up yet, so that doesn't seem quite right.

I think it sends the WOL packet and then waits for a successful ping before continuing. I guess the waitonline value is the maximum time to wait while not receiving a successful ping.

With those assumptions I went with this:
My NAS takes about 90 seconds to get the network up and then about 30 seconds more until MySQL is up. With these settings XBMC boots shortly after my NAS finishes loading .

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by vexation - 2012-03-01, 17:10
[No subject] - by t4_ravenbird - 2012-03-01, 20:45
[No subject] - by Vascular - 2012-03-02, 15:29
[No subject] - by t4_ravenbird - 2012-03-02, 15:42
[No subject] - by regnets - 2012-03-08, 20:05
[No subject] - by Dam0 - 2012-03-09, 13:41
RE: Automatic WakeOnLan upon accessing MySql or FileShares - by nadnerb - 2013-03-26, 22:05
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Automatic WakeOnLan upon accessing MySql or FileShares4