[PseudoTV] Guide for adding strm channels
(2013-03-31, 21:40)spyder Wrote:
(2013-03-31, 21:25)Lunatixz Wrote: I wouldn't recommend using TV... because XBMC is expecting the file to be named like a tv episode... SXXEXX, etc... If you find a way around this problem let me know... It's not the end of the world to use movie sets...
I am talking about hundreds of episodes that I can't auto-add to the library, I don't want that in my movie library. If there were more tv scrapers it would help(found a tvrage scraper), or maybe I'm missing something with the media managers I am trying. A "don't show this movie set", would make this much easier. Does anyone know if there is a way to hide movie sets?

Wait your talking about episodes? single strms contain single episodes? if that's the case use a normal tv scraper just make sure files are named correctly and nfos are setup... Even if the scraper can't find the TV show (not found in tvdb or tvrage) as long as the nfos are built correctly and the file structure is correct they will be added to your TVshows list...

Another idea... If you have a bunch of single episode strms that can't be found in tvdb and you want under TV Shows in XBMC... you can always
1. Put all your strms in a folder, structure it like you would a tv show "spyders tv"/"season 01" "season 02"
2. Rename all the strms to a TV friendly name... Spyders TV - S01E01 - Title of Strm.... create matching nfos for all data and supply relevant info.. then scrape with a regular tv scraper... you could also break seasons into different subjects.. so season 1 could be your anime, season 2 sports... etc
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RE: [PseudoTV] Guide for adding strm channels - by Lunatixz - 2013-03-31, 22:19
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