TESTERS WANTED: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing
How would you ever be sure this is bug free on linux and rpi if there are no test builds available for them?

It may sound negative but do not inhibit my free speech here...

Seems to be making a trail to an xbmc 12.3 if you continue on the current path. Maybe lunux and rpi are better off ignored? 12.X in general has already proven problematic. If not for work of folks like Sam at STMLabs and the xbian project we would not have much working at all on apple tv1 and rpi. They seem to work a lot to clean up the messes left by devs.

Messages In This Thread
RE: XBMC 12.2pre testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-10, 22:22
RE: XBMC 12.2pre testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-10, 22:22
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by WelshPaul - 2013-04-10, 22:45
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-10, 23:04
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Mdubs - 2013-04-11, 22:03
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by WelshPaul - 2013-04-11, 22:28
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-12, 01:48
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-12, 01:37
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-11, 08:02
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by salora - 2013-04-11, 08:07
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Martijn - 2013-04-11, 08:10
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by richeerichhh - 2013-04-11, 08:44
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-11, 09:03
RE: TESTERS WANTED: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by tekno - 2013-04-16, 01:34
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