TESTERS WANTED: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing
I've found that with the 4/16 build on ubuntu sometimes the 'pause on refresh' option isn't honored, and the video played stays 'paused' even after the specified amount of time on a refresh change. I can manually resume the video, but this did not happen with 12.1... is this a known issue?

Messages In This Thread
RE: XBMC 12.2pre testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-10, 22:22
RE: XBMC 12.2pre testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-10, 22:22
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by WelshPaul - 2013-04-10, 22:45
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-10, 23:04
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Mdubs - 2013-04-11, 22:03
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by WelshPaul - 2013-04-11, 22:28
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-12, 01:48
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-12, 01:37
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-11, 08:02
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by salora - 2013-04-11, 08:07
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Martijn - 2013-04-11, 08:10
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by richeerichhh - 2013-04-11, 08:44
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-11, 09:03
RE: TESTERS WANTED: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by isamudaison - 2013-04-17, 04:07
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TESTERS WANTED: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing2