Cinema Experience Slides & Trivia
The translation is not the part that takes inordinate amounts of time. Creating the slides doesn't take much time either with the process I use. The time is spent in correcting the text each individual slide to fit correctly in the confines of each text box. When I get a script together that automatically adjusts the size of the text to fit within the box I will gladly do translations for free (since they will require virtually no time or effort at all to complete) but until then, I simply cannot do twice (or more) the work with no return at all.

I expect you to share what you create with others - that was the whole point of putting the development kits up for download. What you're asking me to do is twice the work I've already done, when I've given you the tools and knowledge to do it on your own. I understand that there is a bit of a language barrier here, but you're coming off quite rude.
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RE: Cinema Experience Slides & Trivia - by Ragnarok - 2013-04-22, 16:46
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