TESTERS WANTED: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing
23 April 2013 test builds are now ready.

I cannot stress enough: incomplete bug reports will be ignored* (you must tell us if this is a new bug to pre-v12.2 that was not in v12.1 and include a debug log (wiki)) and we are not looking for general bugs. This specific thread is just making sure that new bugs have not been introduced by the current bug fixes.

Bugs in general are always being worked on, and more might even be fixed than what is in pre-v12.2, but there can be various factors that prevent a fix from going into a stable release (it might require too many new changes, the fix breaks something else, etc). If you know of a fix that has not been included, feel free to mention that as well, and it will be considered (again, various factors might prevent it from going in).

If you have a bug in pre-v12.2 that was also in v12.1, please report it in a new thread and not this one.

*Team members only have so many configurations/devices to test on, and most often cannot reproduce every possible issue. Because of this, we depend on user reports to help troubleshoot those issues. While we appreciate people reporting issues, we simply can't do anything about incomplete reports for things we can't reproduce.

Messages In This Thread
RE: XBMC 12.2pre testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-10, 22:22
RE: XBMC 12.2pre testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-10, 22:22
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by WelshPaul - 2013-04-10, 22:45
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-10, 23:04
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Mdubs - 2013-04-11, 22:03
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by WelshPaul - 2013-04-11, 22:28
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-12, 01:48
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-12, 01:37
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-11, 08:02
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by salora - 2013-04-11, 08:07
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Martijn - 2013-04-11, 08:10
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by richeerichhh - 2013-04-11, 08:44
RE: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-11, 09:03
RE: TESTERS WANTED: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing - by Ned Scott - 2013-04-24, 10:41
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TESTERS WANTED: XBMC pre-v12.2 testing2