Smb Wrapper For Xbmc with external Player
(2013-04-30, 18:13)netghoster Wrote:
(2013-04-26, 23:17)nikagl Wrote: Btw, it would be a good practice to start numbering your versions:

SmbWrapper-2013-02-20.apk (the one were you also provided the source)

Any new releases last month?




Last but not least, I now also tested the SmbWrapper-2013-02-16.apk and SmbWrapper-2013-02-20.apk versions you provided. Both of them still have the old method of selecting the mediaplayer (very good Big Grin) but now the player (like BSPlayer) correctly and quickly starts after selecting it. That's all I needed Smile

Thanks again!



I tried all the previous versions. They all did the same: After I select no matter which player, it says "could not play file". The latest version works fine when I selected the MXplayer as the default player.

I am using iMito MX1 with finless 1.7b ROM and running the latest libstagefright - Experimental hardware video decoding builds

I am using an MK808, with Finless 1.7c with latest Which player did you try? I have used BSPlayer Pro, not the free version...what type of video did you use? I only use other players for 720p video's, most other content runs fine from the default XBMC DVDPlayer...

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RE: Smb Wrapper For Xbmc with external Player - by nikagl - 2013-04-30, 20:45
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Smb Wrapper For Xbmc with external Player1