[RELEASE] Movie Set Artwork Automator
(2013-05-12, 19:15)scorpie Wrote: HI,

I use Frodo 12.2 as a single seat installation and I don't have mysql installed. Does it work with the local database as well, cuz I don't get it to work. Maybe there is a setting that I have missed

My folder structure is like this

Test/Bourne/Bourne I.mkv
Test/Bourne/Bourne I.jpg
Test/Bourne/Bourne I-fanart-jpg
Test/Bourne/Bourne II.mkv
Test/Bourne/Bourne II.jpg
Test/Bourne/Bourne II-fanart.jpg


You need to be more specific than "cuz I don't get it to work". What settings are you using and what isn't working?

Based on your folder structure, it seems you are dumping all movies into a top level folder and then collections in subfolders. For that you could use common folder mode, and make sure Test/Bourne/folder.jpg and Test/Bourne/fanart.jpg exist.

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RE: [RELEASE] Movie Set Artwork Automator - by trentf - 2013-05-13, 00:22
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[RELEASE] Movie Set Artwork Automator6