Release Universal Scraper for Music Albums
Since wanilton post was not answered I'll add some more Smile

I don't know if the problem is in the scraper or in internal Xbmc yet but in recent Gotham there's a problem with scraping album genres.

My collection is perfect tagged, during one of the recent build the strArtists was dropped (I think for musicBrainz) and Xbmc asked for a rescan for Art
(Maybe change this message box since this is needed for way more than just art).

When I accept the rescan Xbmc drop all my albums genre in strGenres and put the artists in it.

I join a screenshot of the database during the process.

You can see the dropped artists with correct genre, then during the rescan the artist field is populated and the genre is replaced with the artist.


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RE: [Release] Universal Scraper for Music Albums - by Tolriq - 2013-05-18, 15:56
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