~1 minute delay when starting XBMC
Make an image of your current install of windows (or Not). Then do a fresh install of windows 7 or whatever you use.

Once all your drivers etc are updated make another image. Install xbmc. See if the startup and exit is slow or not. Sounds like something is seriously messed up. Once you have everything installed make another image.

I mess around with so much stuff I break my install all the time. (well once every 6 months or so). So its nice to load a fresh image on in 10 mins and be back up and running clean.

Win7 only takes around an hour to install and update especially if you got all the updates and drivers saved locally.

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RE: Very slow startup time & close time in frodo - by jesse003 - 2013-05-21, 10:24
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~1 minute delay when starting XBMC0