Win XBMCLauncher / Launcher4Kodi - All in One Tool for Change Shell, Set Focus and more
Hi I love the laucher except I just can't seem to get it to work for me completely. I have:
Windows 8 pro
Xbmc 12.2
Launcher 4.0
A mele f10 wireless rf remote
A compiled script for the above remote to a specific keymapping

All I want is windows open, run script, open xbmc full screen.

All I get is either
Xbmc in shell with out remote key mapping as the script isn't being run
Xbmc opening and the script opening but I have the metro screen on top of it all

Can someone help I am so close I haven't tried event ghost yet but I have tried to schedule explorer, then focused on that and then tried run laucher delayed but that didn't work still bloody metro !!!! Damn windows 8


Messages In This Thread
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RE: XBMCLauncher - All in One Tool for Change Shell, Set Focus and more - by Fuzzyduck - 2013-06-20, 14:57
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Might be of use to someone... - by Grumpy - 2017-09-19, 04:18
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XBMCLauncher / Launcher4Kodi - All in One Tool for Change Shell, Set Focus and more20