[PseudoTV] Guide for adding strm channels
i had some issues with my pc lost alot but here is my live folder it has 70+ live streams all work last time i checked i dont have my log anymore and only plugin i was using was jtv one wich worked great at 1st but alot of streams quit working the next day even tho they where still online ill post more once i get back to doing streams been busy on some other stuff


ps. i had tgun streams working w/o the plugin i just played them on the plugin then looked at the log to get the info
everything seems to be stable except using jtv plugin some jtv still works other streams stopped working next day and i have no idea why
basicly i went threw all my plugins and played streams then looked at the log and got all the info then made the nfo and strm files i was using mediabox and blader to get strms loooking threw the log seems easier faster and better

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RE: [PseudoTV] Guide for adding strm channels *UPDATED* - by scilz - 2013-06-20, 18:20
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[PseudoTV] Guide for adding strm channels2