Support Thread for libstagefright
I posted the link CruNcher hoping forum members less knowledgeable would take a look and see what a difficult job the devs have reverse engineering drivers for our devices. Without the support of the chip manufacturers it can be a very long drawn out process.

It would really help if users of xbmc could lobby via email chip makers to help them understand that it can be a win, win situation if they were to release the tools required to enable their device to work to their full potential.

As an example, in a thread running in the 'hardwear' section this device is doomed..... If the devs such as devilla had access to the info he needed he could easily solve the issues it has... instead they just want to leech for free.

I'm hoping Rockchip are more forthcoming as I believe the RK3066 could be a great device to run xbmc on.

So folk get emailing if you want support for your device... give the devs the tools they need.

Messages In This Thread
RE: - by Ja4220 - 2013-10-13, 10:54
Previously Worked, now it doesn't - by kaadaq - 2013-10-31, 04:19
RE: libstagefright - Experimental hardware video decoding builds - by bluepeter - 2013-02-18, 13:37
libstagefright - by mo123 - 2013-05-14, 14:29
RE: libstagefright - by Koying - 2013-05-14, 14:30
RE: libstagefright - by Maverick5269 - 2013-05-16, 23:04
RE: libstagefright - by matander - 2013-05-19, 18:26
RE: libstagefright - by FreeFrag - 2013-05-22, 13:02
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Support Thread for libstagefright6