Support Thread for libstagefright
Ehmm Koying couldn't you make this optional as well


Non MOD16 height vids on Rockchip (see above)

this means practically no default 1080p stream is gonna playback, only anamorphic ?
how to test now if every stream fallsback to ffmpeg which is idiotic overall as we don't want to test it ?
and will this be the same with the software renderer ?
also never a SD file is crashed yet if it was mod16 it just gets garbaged but it doesn't crash the kernel
and the 1080p crashes have nothing todo with this if i disable 1 core and it plays without issues how can this be a mod16 issue ?

This is a test release why fixing such things @ all just leave them in until they are fixed, people that complain should understand the nature of a test release Wink

Messages In This Thread
RE: - by Ja4220 - 2013-10-13, 10:54
Previously Worked, now it doesn't - by kaadaq - 2013-10-31, 04:19
RE: libstagefright - Experimental hardware video decoding builds - by CruNcher - 2013-02-21, 03:11
libstagefright - by mo123 - 2013-05-14, 14:29
RE: libstagefright - by Koying - 2013-05-14, 14:30
RE: libstagefright - by Maverick5269 - 2013-05-16, 23:04
RE: libstagefright - by matander - 2013-05-19, 18:26
RE: libstagefright - by FreeFrag - 2013-05-22, 13:02
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Support Thread for libstagefright6