(2013-07-05, 09:59)crash123 Wrote: As long as you follow the rules and be courteous there are no problems. If you don't, we let you know.

One of the rules is to never disagree with mods on episode organization ever, for any reason. It was a lucky soul that managed to escape the great Legend of Korra burn of 2012.

Don't get me wrong. I think thetvdb provides a valuable service, and the people who have ultimate say on episode ordering have to put up with a LOT of shit. But there's no denying that certain individuals fly into a defensive, obstinant rage absurdly fast.

If I had to guess, I'd say that any service that is all about organization tends to attract people who are fairly unwilling to bend from whatever their opinion of the "right" way is. Kind of like people who fly into rages about double or single spacing after sentences.

My most recent run-in (after I'd learned the ways of asking questions in the proper obsequious manner) was with the show Red vs Blue. That's something of an unusual show, because each episode is only about 5 minutes long. At the end of each season, the RVB team pulls all the episodes together and recuts them into a single full length movie, which is called the Season X DVD/Film. This organization was reflected fairly well in TheTVDB until a certain mod decided that including the movie version of each season was redundant. This happened just after season 8. So now, the Season 9 and Season 10 films can't be added to RVB, because Mr. Mod locked the show and refused to add them. Which means my personal library is stuck with the first 8 movies showing up correctly, and the 9th and 10th movies showing up as "episode 1" of their respective seasons. Having a positive discussion about this unfortunate fact is frankly impossible. The Rules exist, and there's no bending on The Rules.

It's frustrating. It's very, very frustrating. But it's still substantially better than if TheTVDB didn't exist, so I accept it.

Messages In This Thread - by MrCrispy - 2012-08-26, 01:11
RE: is in danger of shutting down! - by natethomas - 2013-07-05, 12:08
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