Release tinyMediaManager - a media manager written in Java (Win/Mac/Linux)
You're right, rescraping just the titles from TMDB would work but as I said before: if I uncheck all boxes except "title" & "original title" they get scraped anyways and the other way around aswell. Just running with TMDB as a scraper with "title" & "original" it gets me the other info aswell. Why that is bad: it's nowhere near as complete as IMDB (actors, crew, etc.).

for the quick scrape: I meant in the list view:

so these can just query for a new poster as an example if somebody added one. if the poster+fanart would be separated it would help to gauge if something needs more media on TMDB/TVDB. Since there are many movies who don't have high res artwork or video material released I found that in most cases you can still find a poster but upscaling a screencap is not really an option. Further you could say if it has a poster it is on TMDB, if not it either needs the artwork or is missing in the DB.

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