[PseudoTV] Guide for adding strm channels
i went threw all my plugins and added stuff then went to favs and started organizing ive organized it alot better since i posted it if u want ill post it again when im 100% done and if u make a option to add of favs ill gladly donate u 20$ for the build that would be awsome i wish i knew more so i could make a fork with more options but thats beyond my skill set atm lol i am very good at finding stuff tho so i can help u that way for some reason stuff from the mashup plugin doesnt work when i make it a fav that is what im stuck on atm

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RE: [PseudoTV] Guide for adding strm channels - by scilz - 2013-07-07, 02:40
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[PseudoTV] Guide for adding strm channels2