libstagefright - Experimental hardware video decoding builds
Thanks but that would post my nas passwords online. At least when I get my debug logs from my asrock they are visible in the log. I'd like to get the file to my windows pc so I can edit them out before posting.

Messages In This Thread
libstagefright - by mo123 - 2013-05-14, 14:29
RE: libstagefright - by Koying - 2013-05-14, 14:30
RE: libstagefright - by Maverick5269 - 2013-05-16, 23:04
RE: libstagefright - by matander - 2013-05-19, 18:26
RE: libstagefright - by FreeFrag - 2013-05-22, 13:02
libstagefright - Experimental hardware video decoding builds - by kees667 - 2013-07-11, 07:27
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