[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler
I've opened a pull request on github with a possible fix for the error jaykumar_2001, and asturnauta were encountering, if either of you could please try this and post log files (irregardless if it works or not).

I've added two new features, the first is the ability to change the default script action, you can chose between Manual Sync, and Manage Lists. The second is an optional silent argument on the sync action, this will silence all notifications for a sync so it can just run in the background. This can be used in a scheduled task, below is an example how to trigger it.


There are a few other fixes in as well, and possibly more to follow.
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RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - by nate1280 - 2013-07-12, 16:58
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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler13