[RELEASED]: MCE Live TV (and MCE Netflix) XBMC Integration
Not sure how you're handling the launch of Netflix, but, when I use this command, I don't get the proxy error...

%windir%\ehome\ehshell.exe -launchcoded:{e6f46126-f8a9-4a97-9159-b70b07890112}\{982ea9d3-915c-4713-a3c8-99a4688b7c59}

I originally wrote my own script to launch Netflix, but hated that it returned to MediaCenter after it exited Netflix, because we use the remote control almost exclusively on our HTPC, and exit using the BACK button.

I found SNETFLIX, and thought it was going to be the solution, as I could configure the Exit command with the backspace, but, then I realized that it exited EVERYTIME I pressed the Back button. Oops!

I took a look at MCENetflix, and love that it handles the back count, and can exit correctly, but, unless I'm missing something, it does not return to XBMC when launched.

It seems that, if we could combine some of the functionality of SNETFLIX and MCENetflix, we might have the perfect solution.

BTW, here's my batch file for launching SNETFLIX, that handles killing ESHELL on exit...

@echo off
tasklist /fi "imagename eq ehshell.exe" | find /i "ehshell.exe">NUL || goto SNETFLIX
taskkill /f /fi "imagename eq ehshell.exe"

rem start /wait %windir%\ehome\ehshell.exe -launchcoded:{e6f46126-f8a9-4a97-9159-b70b07890112}\{982ea9d3-915c-4713-a3c8-99a4688b7c59}

tasklist /fi "imagename eq ehshell.exe" | find /i "ehshell.exe">NUL || goto EXIT
taskkill /f /fi "imagename eq ehshell.exe"


Thanks for sharing your work, and I'll be happy to offer any assistance I can in future changes.

Robbie Wilkes

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MCENetflix Experience - by RobbieWilkes - 2013-07-14, 21:25
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[RELEASED]: MCE Live TV (and MCE Netflix) XBMC Integration1