Fanart Grabber - Current Version 0.15.1
(2013-07-15, 22:33)MassIV Wrote: Looks good, I'd use it as dependency if you submitted.
Would you consider adding poster and plot?

I will get this submitted to the repo very soon. I was hoping for a little more feedback from testers since just the limited tests on my setup probably aren't the best use case. I will admit though this addon has been working great for me the past few weeks.

I added a few more properties, including poster and plot, to the code. Please see the first post on this page, or the README file on github to see what they are.

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RE: Fanart Grabber - script for skinners - by robweber - 2013-07-16, 18:08
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Fanart Grabber - Current Version 0.15.13