[RELEASED]: MCE Live TV (and MCE Netflix) XBMC Integration
Happy to offer my own insights. While I've been "messing around" with XBMC for a few months, I really haven't invested myself into it as deeply as I could, because of, in my experience, overly-complicated DVR integration and, until now, the lack of a good Netflix interface. Honestly, I've actually been able to do some fairly good customizations of Windows Media Center, using MediaBrowser and MCStudio, and would be happy with it, if it wasn't for the LOUSY sound quality and Microsoft's lack of continued support.

Now, since I've moved and am stuck with UVerse at the new place, and can no longer use my wonderful HDHomerun for recording TV, I decided to see what I could do with XBMC. Since I was able to get Netflix linked, I'm much happier, but I'm still not convinced that XBMC is going to be my final destination, since there is no way to access files not recognized by the meta scraper, other than manually creating .NFO files for each one. My movies and TV shows are well organized, but I have other media files that are not, and they are just invisible in XBMC... something that was not an issue with MediaCenter, and, in my opinion, something that could be easily corrected.

Anyway, I'm just ranting a bit because I've run up against that challenge, and am slightly annoyed that there appears to be no work-around.

As for MCENetflix (Zellig's great little project), I'll put the modified version on my FTP site, and you can pull it down. As I mentioned, all I did was modify the launch sequence, he used, to one that does not give the load / proxy error.

Beyond that, the only other thing you need is the XBMC Advanced Launcher addon. I was actually over-complicating the whole thing because of my unfamiliarity with Advanced Launcher. It turns out that, when you're configuring the launcher for MCENetflix, you just need to enable Windowed mode and, upon exiting Netflix, control will return right back to XBMC, without any additional scripting. Simple!

Here's the link to the modified executable:


I hope that helps, and I'll be happy to provide additional info or answer any other questions.


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MCENetflix Experience - by RobbieWilkes - 2013-07-14, 21:25
RE: [RELEASED]: MCE Live TV (and MCE Netflix) XBMC Integration - by RobbieWilkes - 2013-07-18, 04:21
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