[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler
Thanks nate. That probably explains what happened with me. It's good to know for the future.

(2013-07-18, 17:27)zilexa Wrote: What is the correct way to restore watched statuses after I have done a new clean install of XMBC? I planned to do it like this:
- add sources to XBMC (Movies, TV Shows) but DO NOT scan them now
- import video library from backup file (I exported my library before formatting drive)
- install trakt addon, enter account details aind... wait? or update library?

There are at least two ways.

1: Use advanced settings (you don't need trakt for this):
If you have exported your library to multiple files, in your advanced settings file add the tag that tells it to import watched status.
Then just import your library and watched status will be set.

2. Using trakt:
Import your library as you planned, then in trakt make sure the synchronize with xbmc settings are activated, and just run trakt.
This will take a while to run, but will correct the xbmc watched statuses for your entire library.

You can do both. I.e. once your library is imported, just set trakt to synch after after library update, and you can forget about it.

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RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - by MeMeMe - 2013-07-19, 07:38
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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler13