Live TV doesn't work on Openelec [tvheadend server]
(2013-07-26, 02:29)nuttypro69 Wrote: Hey I need some help my raspberry pi not playing video only audio on live tv stream on my 512mb PI running Raspbmc ,but it does play on my 256mb pi try raspbmc only shows video on the 256mb Pi on the 512mb only audio.Using Openelec rbji frodo last frodo build from rbji on both just audio no video .Yes i have both codecs keys for both Pi try on two 512mb PI and one 256 mb Pi.Just try one more 512mb Pi still a no good with live tv video just audio about to try Xbian latest build to see .

Please paste output of
vcgencmd codec_enabled MPG2
on the failing platforms.

Messages In This Thread
does live tv work at all????? - by pootler - 2013-02-08, 18:38
RE: Live TV doesn't work on Openelec [tvheadend server] - by popcornmix - 2013-07-26, 16:53
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Live TV doesn't work on Openelec [tvheadend server]5