Support Thread for libstagefright
(2013-07-27, 08:56)joelbaby Wrote:
(2013-07-24, 16:00)Ned Scott Wrote: Koying is making an unofficial v12.2 with libstagefright for OUYA.

But Martijn said xbmc 12.2 for android with libstagefright was not going to happen ... because ..

(2013-07-24, 14:54)Martijn Wrote: because coding issues. that simple.

Would the Ouya build work on other android devices too?

What Martijn said wasn't false. Team XBMC is not doing an official 12.2 build just for OUYA.

Koying is being contracted out specifically by OUYA to do an unofficial v12.2 build. Normally, this is not something the team would do because it just isn't practical, especially for volunteers. Since OUYA is contracting Koying, he can afford to work on any necessary backports and OUYA tweaks that might be needed. While it's not something Team XBMC does (since we're a non-profit), it is something we encourage companies to do, as it helps supports our developers, and has worked out nicely in the past. Plus, any tweaking that helps libstagefright will also go into XBMC v13.

Team XBMC also puts emphases on being unbiased, so Team resources for specific-brand work isn't something you'll typically see us do, if ever. While OUYA is a sponsor of Team XBMC and gave us a bunch of money, all Team XBMC sponsorships are seen as "no strings attached". The sponsor invests in Team XBMC in hopes that the general improvements to XBMC help them out, without any special favors being done just for them

It would probably be possible to use the OUYA build on other devices, since the necessary OUYA tweaks don't prevent XBMC from running on a normal Android device.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Support Thread for libstagefright - Experimental hardware video decoding builds - by Ned Scott - 2013-07-27, 11:42
RE: - by Ja4220 - 2013-10-13, 10:54
Previously Worked, now it doesn't - by kaadaq - 2013-10-31, 04:19
libstagefright - by mo123 - 2013-05-14, 14:29
RE: libstagefright - by Koying - 2013-05-14, 14:30
RE: libstagefright - by Maverick5269 - 2013-05-16, 23:04
RE: libstagefright - by matander - 2013-05-19, 18:26
RE: libstagefright - by FreeFrag - 2013-05-22, 13:02
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