Release tinyMediaManager - a media manager written in Java (Win/Mac/Linux)
(2013-07-28, 11:15)nipnup Wrote: I would envision it to simply run sequentially, i.e. some sort of batch command that would first run the data source update, then go on to run metadata update when the data source is updated (both of which obviously already fully exist). So I guess it'rs really just very few lines of code to be added.

It's not as simple as you think Smile The data update task does its work and after that I've to start the scrape task, BUT after the data update task I do not know exactly which new movies (tv shows/episodes) this task discovered.. So I need to implement some sort of response from the update task which tells me what new elements have been found... I am sure there is a way to do that Smile

(2013-07-29, 00:09)ThaDraGun Wrote: Ive tried alot of managers and I always come back to this one. Works great, lots of features and easy to use. One thing that would be nice is if you could just click the poster/fanart/banner to change it when in the main movie/tv show listing. Even right click and choose edit would be helpful. I know I just have to go over to the title and right click, but its a pain when Im doing lots of titles at a time.

One thing Ive never been able to figure out, once I edit all the info and pictures in TinyMediaManager what is the easiest/quickest way to update it on XMBC? Ive tried clicking refresh and it does a title search and then after a couple min it updates the poster but never the fanart. Same if I update the library this takes alot longer and still the same result.
changing poster/fanart/banner directly from the UI (without going to the editor screen) was already a feature request as far as I remember. Unfortunately with version 2 we do not have an internal structure where I could implement that easily..
With version 3 there is some sort of changing planned - so stay tuned for updates.

I do not know how to trigger these updates in XBMC too - maybe there is some XBMC pro, which could tell us how to do that!
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RE: tinyMediaManager - a media manager written in Java (Win/Mac/Linux) - by mlaggner - 2013-07-30, 13:55
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RE: HDR or Dobly vision Logos - by nmt1978 - 2020-05-10, 06:27
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tinyMediaManager - a media manager written in Java (Win/Mac/Linux)7