User-defined Aspect Ratios Get Overwritten Endlessly
Hello CapFuturo,

Sorry for not responding earlier to the pm's you sent, was in the process of replying a few weeks back but got interrupted, and then forgot to finish the response. Will try to summarize where I left things with my attempts to mod xbmc to allow the user to disable the overwrites of AR's contained in nfo files.

Things are pretty much at the same point as described in the thread from the developers forum you refer to in your post. I was able to successfully compile MacOsX 10.7/10.8 binaries using modified source from one of the official frodo release builds, that when used in conjunction with a very simple python add-on , keeps the valid AR's in place during and after media playback....but could not replicate the same behavior in the newer source code trees (are the official xbmc git-hub source trees being used for the gotham development, or are they just newer frodo source?). Got stuck trying to pull the value of the active video's folder/directory path while in the function used to write the AR. Wanted to track this down, but since I had working frodo code, kind of let it slip.

I did setup a github repository with my code mods, but never requested a formal pull request into any master source trees because

a) the mods/patches are in the original release source for frodo, and the source has since undergone pretty significant changes. Was not sure if developers to this older tree are even accepting change requests

b) After reviewing the suggested process of getting mods/patches included into the official source trees, my take was the best way was to post the feature and code mods in the development forum, and see if it received any interest from users. Even though the issue was important to my setup, the thread in the development forum did not really get much attention, so figured it was not something that would be considered as a valid patch candidate.

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RE: User-defined Aspect Ratios Get Overwritten Endlessly - by mm_half3 - 2013-08-16, 21:39
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