Automatic WakeOnLan upon accessing MySql or FileShares
(2013-08-21, 16:24)kricker Wrote: 1. You may have to tweak the wakeonlan.xml file that in generated to have XBMC wait longer for the N40L to wake up. BTW, the N40L does support S3 when running Windows, just not Linux. So it it shame on HP or Linux...I never knew who to blame for this.

2. I am not sure what is going on here. It may be that your NIC on the PC is not yet active when XBMC tries to send the WOL signal. You may need XBMC to wait a bit longer after resuming to send the signal. Once again I think you can adjust this in the wakeonlan.xml file.

3. I don't see this issue, but then again my XBMC PCs are all Windows based and my server is unRaid.

Hi Kricker thanks for the reply.

As far as I am aware the Hp N40L server cant do S3 sleep mode in Windows. I even have the modified bios installed. It can do hibernation however but as you probably know it takes much longer to wake up. I searched and searched on the net for how to enable S3 and there was never a way to do it. Unless something new has happened?

The wakeonlan.xml file you reffer to I assume this is about this new WOL feature in XBMC v13. Still running v12.2 at the moment.

As for point number 2 it seems that if the Mysql server is asleep and the XBMC PC is turned on from full S5 shutdown state, then XBMC simply does not load at all and I get the black screen. It will stay like this and so the advanced WOL addon never runs as XBMC isnt launched. In this situation I have to wake the WHS myself and then eventually when the database is available XBMC is launch etc.


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RE: Automatic WakeOnLan upon accessing MySql or FileShares - by cw-kid - 2013-08-21, 17:55
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