[WIP] PVR Client Addon for XBMC for EPG and full control of Dreambox and DBox2
I have 198 channels on 6 different bouquets and it takes about 1 minute to import EPG on my Asrock ION machine.
On my other HTPC (Foxcomm E-3500) it takes a little longer but still acceptable.

Setup is:
Openelec 3.1.6
VU+ Duo
Openpli image

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RE: [WIP] PVR Client Addon for XBMC for EPG and full control of Dreambox and DBox2 - by seninha - 2013-08-23, 07:46
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[WIP] PVR Client Addon for XBMC for EPG and full control of Dreambox and DBox217