Release tinyMediaManager - a media manager written in Java (Win/Mac/Linux)
Hi fredfillis,

in common you should extract the tmm netinstaller to a local directory, where you have write permissions (I extracted it to ~/Apps/tMM).
The first time you have to start it via the shellscript: on the first startup it will write a .desktop file for further starting. When the .desktop file exists, you have 2 possible ways to start tmm:

a) go in the file manager to the tmm install dir and double click the .desktop file
b) copy the .desktop file to ~/.local/share/applications and it will appear in the untiy menu (also works on gnome shell and maybe other desktop environments)
b1) if you like to start it from the desktop, copy the file to ~/Desktop (if you configured unity to let nautilus handle the desktop)

I hope this will solve your problem.
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RE: tinyMediaManager - a media manager written in Java (Win/Mac/Linux) - by mlaggner - 2013-08-27, 12:47
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