User-defined Aspect Ratios Get Overwritten Endlessly
Just so you know, I'm all in for this much needed improvement.
As more and more people move to projectors, the AR is critical as many of those users use scope screens with either an anamorphic lens or memory feature to properly fill their screens.

Also, we need this to apply to the number of audio channels [greater than 5.1] as well.
As an example, 7.1 DTS-HD will be reported as 5.1.
I can change it in the NFO file, but as soon as I play the movie, it's overwritten.

My hack way still works but:
1. is a very messy solution
2. shouldn't be required
3. is skin specific


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RE: User-defined Aspect Ratios Get Overwritten Endlessly - by adrian ballard - 2013-09-01, 22:45
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