[RELEASE] Spotimc: Another Spotify music addon
I got tired of the 720p skin, so I created a 1080i version. Same skin only way prettier on a full HD screen. Might not be perfect, but tested everything i could think of.

Download link here.

For any newbies out there: unzip spotimc.zip (the install file), unzip the 1080i.zip file, and put it in " script.audio.spotimc/resources/skins/DefaultSkin/ " (next to the 720p folder)

Next, edit " script.audio.spotimc/default.py " in your favourite text editor, and change
xml_path = os.path.join(skin_dir, "720p/font.xml")
xml_path = os.path.join(skin_dir, "1080i/font.xml")

save, zip the script.audio.spotimc folder again, and reinstall in xbmc (might need to restart xbmc after uninstalling spotimc).

Was a heck of a job to change everything, I'm hoping someone will appreciate this.

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by alex84 - 2012-03-09, 18:38
[No subject] - by jabba_29 - 2012-03-10, 14:32
[No subject] - by jolid - 2012-03-10, 16:53
[No subject] - by mazkolain - 2012-03-10, 20:17
[No subject] - by Jönke - 2012-03-10, 23:41
[No subject] - by mortstar - 2012-03-11, 01:38
RE: - by mazkolain - 2012-03-12, 22:00
RE: - by mortstar - 2012-03-13, 01:41
RE: - by Bendecks - 2012-03-28, 15:38
[No subject] - by zuditechguy - 2012-03-11, 03:16
[No subject] - by Jönke - 2012-03-11, 09:01
[No subject] - by johnnyvibrant - 2012-03-11, 10:07
RE: - by joymyr - 2012-03-12, 22:19
RE: - by mazkolain - 2012-03-13, 15:34
RE: - by bckane - 2012-04-04, 01:25
My experience with Spotimc - by Jan-Erik - 2012-04-07, 16:09
RE: [RELEASE] Spotimc: Another Spotify music addon - by Evero - 2013-09-05, 02:55
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[RELEASE] Spotimc: Another Spotify music addon32