Release Random Trailers Screensaver / Script - plays random trailers from library
Awesome! I love it to run manually when me & the gf aren't sure what to watch.

BUG REPORT: I can't turn the screen saver off! I prefer to run it manually when I want to watch trailers. I then tested out the screen saver feature by activating it Appearance. Everything good so far... But when I decided to go back to a black screen screensaver, it kept Random Trailers instead.

Now, it's the damrdest thing. I'm in the screensaver settings, looking at the screensaver selected "black screen" or "dim" and if I click "preview" Random Trailers start right up, as they do after the screensaver time, even though it is visibly not selected. I've tried restarting XBMC to no different effect.

It's like your plugin has forcibly hijacked my XBMC screensaver and won't let go. The only way to disable it is to disable or uninstall the plugin. Upon reinstallation: boom. Same problem.

Any way to fix this? Or at least reset it to stock so that I can never enable the screen saver again and just use it manually as I'd prefer?


EDIT: Also, +1 on the random new trailers from hdtrailers or apple program addition idea.

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RE: Random Trailers Screensaver / Script - plays random trailers from library - by gabriel_eliot - 2013-09-22, 04:36
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Random Trailers Screensaver / Script - plays random trailers from library2