Release [MOD] scrapers for TV shows and Movies
Is there a "How to" page somewhere?

I am running anidb add-on 2.0.0 at the moment, but get banned easily, so I am interested in the request delay feature in the mod.

I have downloaded the scudlee repository zip file, and used the install from zip feature in XBMC and now have a Scudlee's XBMC addon Repository, under get add-ons, that is completly empty.

Where did I go wrong?

XBMC running on win 7, but I also use ubuntu on other machines. So database is on MySQL.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [RELEASE] [MOD] scrapers for TV shows and Movies - by LoveJoy - 2013-09-27, 14:37
RE: - by scudlee - 2013-10-12, 17:42
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[MOD] scrapers for TV shows and Movies8