Video of latest xbmc code on Raspberry Pi
(2013-10-02, 06:27)raspberry_pd Wrote: Thanks MilhouseVH. Perhaps the key issue for me is that my original artwork is not "local" or I am not sure what that means. Are you referring to artwork obtained independantly of XBMC's scraping and web service functionality, and manually moved into corresponding folders yourself, which now that I think about, XBMC can use?

"local" artwork is artwork that is stored on your NAS (or your HDD), alongside your movies. Local artwork will have fileanems ending in -poster.jpg, -fanart.jpg etc.

If you don't have artwork stored alongside your movies, XBMC will go out to internet web sites and download artwork files, storing these files only in the userdata folder (in the texture cache).

(2013-10-02, 06:27)raspberry_pd Wrote: Perhaps this is why running your texturecache script didn't seem to do anything in the context of my setup.

Depends what you were trying to do!
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.

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RE: Video of latest xbmc code on Raspberry Pi - by Milhouse - 2013-10-02, 06:37
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Video of latest xbmc code on Raspberry Pi6