Video of latest xbmc code on Raspberry Pi
(2013-09-29, 19:45)popcornmix Wrote:
(2013-09-29, 19:38)Koloss Wrote: What is your Temperature?
56C at moment, but it's not doing much.

What is your temperature, after 5 minutes browsing?

I have 84celsius, is it to hot? I have overclocking to 1ghz

With 900mhz i have highest 78celsius.

Tested with skin Ace!

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RE: Video of latest xbmc code on Raspberry Pi - by Koloss - 2013-10-19, 01:15
RE: - by godson - 2013-10-13, 00:29
USB 2.0 vs. Class 10 vs. USB 3.0 - by xbs08 - 2013-12-13, 11:56
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Video of latest xbmc code on Raspberry Pi6