Support Thread for libstagefright
(2013-10-21, 12:47)kaazvaag Wrote: I also have the stuttering after around 50 minutes playing an 720p MKV file. I have a Rockchip 3066 (minix x5).
When I compare the time when the stuttering starts with the XBMC logfile it shows.

10:52:57 T:1739505024 DEBUG: CPullupCorrection: detected pattern of length 1: 41708.33, frameduration: 41708.333333

When I press "o" in XBMC the pc:1 went to pc:none (pc=pullupcorrection). So pc:1 is smooth pc:none is stutter.

Why does the pc changes from 1 to none? Is it possible to force pc to 1?

When I stop the movie after the stuttering started and resume playing the stuttering is gone for about another 50 minutes.

Actually if you enable "Enable debug logging" in system setting, you will find the cpu usage will be higher and higher when playing a video. Then it begins to stutter.

Messages In This Thread
RE: - by Ja4220 - 2013-10-13, 10:54
RE: Support Thread for libstagefright - Experimental hardware video decoding builds - by ibazzi - 2013-10-21, 13:03
Previously Worked, now it doesn't - by kaadaq - 2013-10-31, 04:19
libstagefright - by mo123 - 2013-05-14, 14:29
RE: libstagefright - by Koying - 2013-05-14, 14:30
RE: libstagefright - by Maverick5269 - 2013-05-16, 23:04
RE: libstagefright - by matander - 2013-05-19, 18:26
RE: libstagefright - by FreeFrag - 2013-05-22, 13:02
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Support Thread for libstagefright6