Fanart Grabber - Current Version 0.15.1
I'm giving the script another go but still having some problems.

System: OSX, 12.2, mysql

First of all, launch method: <onload>RunScript(script.grab.fanart,mode=random,refresh=9)</onload>

Image control:

<control type="image">
            <texture background="true">$VAR[HomeFanartPath]</texture>
            <visible>Container(9000).HasFocus(2) | Container(9000).HasFocus(10) | Container(9000).HasFocus(11) | Container(9000).HasFocus(3) | Container(9000).HasFocus(90)</visible>


<variable name="HomeFanartPath">
        <value condition="Container(9000).HasFocus(2)">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(script.grab.fanart.Video.FanArt)]</value>
        <value condition="Container(9000).HasFocus(10)">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(script.grab.fanart.Movie.FanArt)]</value>
        <value condition="Container(9000).HasFocus(11)">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(script.grab.fanart.TV.FanArt)]</value>
        <value condition="Container(9000).HasFocus(3) | Container(9000).HasFocus(90)">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(script.grab.fanart.Music.FanArt)]</value>


- Music fanarts are not populated at all, from debug log: 17:50:30 T:2960388096 NOTICE: script.grab.fanart: found 0 music files. All the files are scanned to library and appear normally in library views. If i ran the sql query against the database artist information is being returned.

17:50:29 T:2960388096   DEBUG: GetArtistsByWhere query: SELECT artistview.* FROM artistview  WHERE (artistview.idArtist IN (SELECT album_artist.idArtist FROM album_artist WHERE album_artist.boolFeatured = 0)) and artistview.strArtist != ''

I even nuked the whole music database and started from stretch but it still won't work

- $INFO[Window(Home).Property(script.grab.fanart.Video.FanArt)] and $INFO[Window(Home).Property(script.grab.fanart.TV.FanArt)] always return the same fan art. I would like to have the video.fanart randomise between movie and tv show fan art and i believe that's how it's supposed to work.

- Would another fanart property be possible where it completely randomises the result, so the result could be either movie, tvshow or music fan art? This could be used as a global background in a skin.

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RE: Fanart Grabber - script for skinners - by User 34959 - 2013-11-12, 18:11
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Fanart Grabber - Current Version 0.15.13