Win Frodo 12.1 / Synology / Very slow common SQL
I thought you asked for the size of my music database, that database file is 95MB. The actual music is about 500GB (45000 songs)
With the changes I made, XBMC is certainly able to cope with that so I recommend making those engine changes. Only change the tables with the MyISAM engine. Don't know what happens if you change the "view" tables but I left them alone.

I noticed a definite improvement in opening artists and albums from the library but also things like adding an album to a current playlist is much faster now. Before that took 10 seconds, now its almost instant (1-2 seconds).

I am still looking for the best my.cnf settings regarding InnoDB but sofar it seems working properly and its definitely an improvement over MyISAM.
I think all righthtinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary, decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired.

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RE: Frodo 12.1 / Synology / Very slow common SQL - by PH-SYM - 2013-11-15, 12:56
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