Release Universal Scraper for Music Albums
n1md4: yes, that looks like a bug in the scraper.

01:03:23 T:139730960217856 DEBUG: scraper: CreateAlbumSearchUrl returned <url>"10%20Tracks%20at%20the%20Albert%20Hall%20from%20the%20Sunday%20Times"%20AND%20artist:"Jimi%20Hendrix"</url>
01:03:23 T:139730960217856 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x39d9850)"10%20Tracks%20at%20the%20Albert%20Hall%20from%20the%20Sunday%20Times"%20AND%20artist:"Jimi%20Hendrix"
01:03:23 T:139730960217856 DEBUG: scraper: GetAlbumSearchResults returned <results sorted="yes"></results>

i.e. an empty result set was returned by the scraper. I threw the URL into a browser and indeed we see an album match - so this probably is something up with the scraper. probably one for olympia.

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RE: [Release] Universal Scraper for Music Albums - by night199uk - 2013-11-24, 14:40
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