Android BobDroid - Control boblight from Android (Now on Play)
First of all, great work with the application.
However I'm having some problems with it. My current setup:
-112 ws2806 leds with a raspberrypi model b version 2
- No overclocking.
- SO: Occidentalis from adalight.
- Connected by wifi (although I'm having the same problems using the ethernet over a giga network)
- Boblightd dowloaded and compiled following the info from:

When I run boddroid and configure to point to my running bobglight it is connected correctly. I can change the colors using the Constant Light.
The problem arises when I try to use any of the "animated" options, it seems that "saturates" the leds and the application becomes unresponsive until it ends.
For example if i select the Rainbow Light the lights start to move, but after a (small) time the bobdroid doesn't control it, it seems that bobdroid is "blocking" the boblight daemon with soo much information. Then if i wait enough time (a lot) the leds end moving (I guess that the raspi has finished with the bobdroid stream) and I can control it again using the "constant light".
Maybe it is a blocking problem or that bobdroid saturates the network or the daemon...

Another question, Is there any way to change the brightness and saturation of the leds on the "constant light"?

Thank you in advance

Messages In This Thread
RE: BobDroid - Control boblight from Android (Now on Play) - by gpulido - 2013-11-27, 00:04
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BobDroid - Control boblight from Android (Now on Play)3