Release tinyMediaManager - a media manager written in Java (Win/Mac/Linux)
ok, i see the problem.

Just for reference:
MPAA flag was originally designed for ONLY the 5 american ratings (hence the name; this is why confluence has only them)
For all other languages/countries, there WAS the <certification> tag in XML.
But this seemed to be removed in XBMC12... so it now completely relies onto the skin developers, how to handle this!!

TMM tries to merge all the different solutions, for all the different skins.
So we are writing more-than-one certification into that field, in multiple variants.

This usually works well, since MOST of the skins search for substring (if the value CONTAINS eg UK:15) and not plainly comparing the value with ="UK:15".
I checked the source, and so does MQ5 Smile
BUT: MQ5 does this for all Languages EXCEPT UK RoflRoflRofl
So, lets fix that in the skin, will post in the MQ5 forum....

you can fix that on your own if you don't want to wait...
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
Wanna help translate TMM ?

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