Live TV doesn't work on Openelec [tvheadend server]
Hello everybody,

the new Rbej Gotham builds are very good and ran without any major issues. I'm using it in my production environment and I'm happy about it.
Thanks for your work!

But is there an issue regarding pidfiltering in TVHeadEnd or XBMC?

On the RPI I have to use the HW-pidfilter in the USB-stick itself in order to reduce the CPU-load on the RPI. I activated the HW-pidfiler in the driver itself and disabled the full Mux receiption for ths adaptor in TVHeadEnd. Now I can watch 1080p streams without any problems.

But everytime I zap to a different channel the hw-pidfilter got disabled by the driver because TVHeadEnd wants to have more than 15 pids to receive.

Is it possible to reduce the amount of pids? Where do I have to look at?


Messages In This Thread
does live tv work at all????? - by pootler - 2013-02-08, 18:38
RE: Live TV doesn't work on Openelec [tvheadend server] - by phiber - 2013-12-09, 14:58
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Live TV doesn't work on Openelec [tvheadend server]5