Linux Linux now has a completely working libaacs and libbdplus option.
Hey guys,

Thanks for the great advice!

I have this setup and working, but like shadow:

"The "Play Disc" doesn't work to start a disc I went to Videos > Files > "disc label" > BDMV then it came up with the menu that gives its best guess at main title or open menu list (same as when opening a decrypted backup/iso. Clicking on one brought up the video fine."

@ LastCoder or anyone else, How did you get the "Play disc" option on the home menu to function with BluRay?

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RE: Linux now has a completely working libaacs and libbdplus option. - by DianeDrews - 2013-12-23, 19:31
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Linux now has a completely working libaacs and libbdplus option.1