XBMC on Pi: Add TV/monitor Power Save support when idle?
Yes, those instructions are written from an OpenELEC perspective. For Raspbmc, you'll need to use wget in place of curl:
wget -q http://is.gd/XGXbTG -O ~/texturecache.py
chmod +x ~/texturecache.py

If you get a certificate error, try adding "--no-check-certificate" to the wget command line.

Not sure what mechanism Raspbmc is using to start scripts at boot, maybe a cron (@boot) entry will suffice, with a delay to ensure xbmc has started before starting "~./texturecache.py rbphdmi".

Although in the first instance you probably want to run "~./texturecache.py rbphdmi 30 @bin.tvservice=/path/to/tvservice @debug=yes" at the command line to test things out - this will try to disable HDMI 30 seconds after the GUI screensaver has kicked in. The default path for tvservice on OpenELEC is /usr/bin/tvservice, so specify your own path if it is different on Raspbmc (view the path with "which tvservice")
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.

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RE: XBMC on Pi: Add TV/monitor Power Save support when idle? - by Milhouse - 2013-12-28, 22:38
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