Linux need help setting up with 2250
I am going through this right now as well. I am finding that the /lib/firmware is missing a couple of firmwares:
the fact that these are missing might be a part of the problem or the whole problem.

Also, in the /etc/modprobe.d folder there is a filer or folder called options.conf. Is that what we need to put card=7 in or do we need to make a separate folder?

Some folks have mentioned that the tv card itself takes forever to register and the PVR Client(tvheadend in my case) initializes before it has a chance to load correctly. There is a setting in the tvheadend service to "wait for frontend" and "number of adapters to wait for". This might help. Im gonna apply some of these fixes tonight and if I have any success i will report back. The crazy part is that my dmesg output seems to be what is needed. PITA

Openelec Fusion 3.2.4
Hauppauge 2250

Messages In This Thread
need help setting up with 2250 - by janice - 2014-01-07, 07:42
RE: need help setting up with 2250 - by negge - 2014-01-07, 12:32
RE: need help setting up with 2250 - by casegg - 2014-01-09, 01:25
RE: need help setting up with 2250 - by negge - 2014-01-09, 14:30
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