Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Win [Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay - Discontinued
(2014-01-08, 23:25)MDDSD Wrote:
Quote:Hi! Now it works to install. I though have trouble when going the last step to start content. I go to Sports->Live Sports->All Sports and I get a "Could not connect to network server" and when exiting script there is a "Script failed". I have checked other categories as well. Retyped password information and doublechecked that site was working in my default browser(Firefox 26.0).

From what I can tell when running the Viaplay addon on XBMC 13 it seems that there is a bug in XBMC 13 which is causing this error, it's not due to network error...
It does not seem to be a problem with 12.2 and 12.3 of XBMC. I will look into this, but it could just be a temporary glitch in the unstable XBMC 13 version...

Yeah, once XBMC 13 gets to beta status and still exists, then we can raise a ticket with some more information reagrding the issue.


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RE: [Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay (Sweden,Denmark,Norway,Finland) - by americantabloid - 2014-01-09, 20:31
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[Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay - Discontinued9