Release Video Explorer Critical Bug Fixes

Please untick the "Use Info Cache" checkbox, top right, to force VideoExplorer to do a full re-analysis of your movies using the new Stream and File Size calculations.

This is particularly important if you were following my releases and installed, which may have cached objects with some values that weren't computed correctly.

By unticking the "Use Info Cache" box you are telling VideoExplorer to do a full analysis of anything it loads and to IGNORE the object cache and OVERWRITE any existing cached objects that exists for the movies you are loading while that checkbox is unticked.

This is all just while to work around the few issues with formatting of string values. After that is resolved (which it should be as of v2.0.0.10, hopefully) you can tick that box again and carry on loading from cache.

The cache is there purely to make things MUCH faster. It's nice to have and nice to use but it is not necessary.

You can untick the box, or you can right click on the main grid and select "Clear Object Cache" at any time to delete all cached objects and force VideoExplorer to do a full analysis of any movie you load from that point on.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Video Explorer v2.0.0.10 - Powerful library manager - Batch analysis with MediaInfo - by SiliconKid - 2014-01-13, 09:26
RE: Video Explorer v2.1.6.1 - by MasterPhW - 2014-01-27, 14:15
RE: Video Explorer v2.3.0.0: - by SiliconKid - 2014-02-05, 22:31
RE: Video Explorer v3: RELEASED ! - by LEDFan - 2014-03-26, 17:31
RE: Video Explorer v3: RELEASED ! - by LEDFan - 2014-03-26, 17:56
RE: Video Explorer v3: RELEASED ! - by LEDFan - 2014-03-26, 18:04
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Video Explorer Critical Bug Fixes1