MovieLib - Your movie database on web
Hmm... I don't know really... Can the script check if that option is checked in XBMC? Then it would be easiest to tell it not to run on startup automatically...
One question though: If I edit info on a movie, will that trigger an update on the database? Because if not I have a problem...
I often have to change titles after scraping and if they're immediately synced I have no way to automatically update the info in the movielib-database... Could you maybe add a trigger for that?
Also I have an add-on running that updates the IMDB ratings and Top 250 on a weekly basis. They'd need to be updated in the movielib-db too then...

In general: Is there a way for the add-on to completely re-check the movielib-Database and add missing or changed info?
Because right now my db is completely synced, but some of the artworks are missing, maybe due to the freqent connection errors I got. Is there a way to do a full check of the db?

Thanks for the great work and help for now! I see great potential in this and have it now fully running although I'm a complete PHP/MySQL-Noob!
Maybe in the future you could add something to group movies in sets... Some kind of a fly-out maybe?

Greetz, Unr3aL67

Messages In This Thread
RE: MovieLib - Your movie database on web - by Unr3aL67 - 2014-01-19, 17:26
Last Post - by Jeffreywat - 2017-09-03, 14:02
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