Live TV doesn't work on Openelec [tvheadend server]
(2014-01-21, 17:46)layzzzz Wrote: I think this thread is split in two options :

- TVHeadend on a x86 platform
- TVHeadend on the Raspberry PI (need more optimizing because the cpu gets 100%^)

So my question is the Live-TV working with a x86 TVHeadend-server?

This thread is in the Raspberry Pi section of the forum so you may not get an answer here. Try asking in the TvHeadends own section were you're more likely to get a response:

Messages In This Thread
does live tv work at all????? - by pootler - 2013-02-08, 18:38
RE: Live TV doesn't work on Openelec [tvheadend server] - by RichG - 2014-01-21, 17:52
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Live TV doesn't work on Openelec [tvheadend server]5